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The goal of fillers and neurotoxins is to fill and relax wrinkles and, in some cases, to completely make them disappear.  Some patients want wrinkles to be diminished but not completely gone for a more natural look and some patients do not want to see any at all.  Most of the time we can achieve either result, but it does depend on how deep the wrinkles are to start with.

There is a risk of bruising any time you use a needle.  We do our best to avoid it at all costs but there are no guarantees.  Certain areas of the face are more vascular than others and more likely to bruise, for example, the lips and under the eyes.

Everyone has a different tolerance for pain, but I would say that injections in the face range from very tolerable to uncomfortable at times. Midface treatments as in the cheeks are typically injected without a topical anesthetic while the lips are pretreated with one to make the procedure more comfortable.  All dermal fillers contain lidocaine, which is an anesthetic, that works when injected with the product to help numb the area. Most all our patients tolerate them very well and come back for more!

There are several factors that go in determining how long neurotoxins (Botox/Dysport) and dermal fillers will last for you.  Your age, metabolism, and lifestyle can all affect the duration.  In most cases neurotoxins last 3-4 months and dermal fillers can last anywhere between 6 months up to 2 years depending on the product and area injected.

Botox and Dysport are Neurotoxins.  They work with the muscles in the face. They are designed to “relax” wrinkles by inhibiting the muscles that they are injected into from moving.  When we stop those muscles from moving then the fine lines and wrinkles that are created from expressions are reduced.  Dermal fillers are used to fill in the lines and wrinkles or to create volume in areas that have diminished due to age.

Our goal is to make our patients look like a younger or more refreshed version of themselves.  We don’t want to change the way you look but rather enhance your own beautiful features. We will approach your treatment conservatively which leads to beautiful never overdone results.

Aesthetic injections can be administered on individuals 18 to 90.  It depends on what areas you would like volume added to as each person is different. Some people in their mid-20’s will start receiving neurotoxins as a preventative treatment in the forehead area.  It is not unusual to treat individuals in their 80’s and 90’s.  

It depends on the structure and pathology injected. However, generally, we suggest avoiding impact activity in the large weight-bearing joints for a week. For tendons, you need to be a little more conservative and suggest re-engaging with strengthening after ten days and gradually return to running after four weeks.