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Peptide therapy is a medical solution that utilizes a schedule of natural injections to restore peptide production to healthy levels. When the bloodstream absorbs healthy new peptides, the body becomes better able to enhance its own peptide production.

Peptides Uses

Weight Loss

Performance Enhancement

Rapid recovery from injuries and surgeries

Enhances Healing


Improve skin and hair health

Improves Cognition

Improve insulin sensitivity and glucose clearance

Improves Libido

Increase vitality and sense of wellbeing

Rewind Wellness & Aesthetics offers peptide treatments for weight loss. Peptide therapies have
been shown to accelerate the loss of that stubborn belly fat and overall body fat while
increasing the lean muscle mass.

Ipamorelin and Sermorelin are our go to peptides for weight loss. 

Human Growth Hormone

The Human Growth Hormone levels peak in young adulthood, then decline rapidly after 30 and resulting in symptoms typically associated with “getting older.”

HGH replacement is very expensive and can only be prescribed under FDA guidelines.

The Growth Hormone secretagogues: Sermorelin, CJ1295, Ipamorelin and Ibutamoren

CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin together pack a punch at boosting GH levels

CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin has a good effect which is why it is highly recommended for anti-aging, weight loss, improved sleep, and muscle
development when combined with correct food and exercise.

What is Sarcotropin?

Sarcotropin is a combination of both Ipamorelin and Pralmorelin (GHRP2) which is similar action as Ipamorelin.
Sarcotropin oral is a pharmaceutical, medical food designed to oppose muscle loss and the symptoms associated with Sarcopenia. This non-invasive treatment delivers a formulation of active, essential ingredients proven to stimulate Growth Hormone in the brain resulting in production and secretion of Growth Hormone by the pituitary gland, much like the body did naturally during youth.

Benefits of Sarcotropin Therapy

Immune Dysregulation is an implication in many diseases

Peptides for Wellness

Thymosin alpha 1

Thymosin alpha 1 is a powerful modulator of immunity and major inflammation. A balancing peptide for the body

Thymosin Beta 4

Thymosin Beta 4 is a proactive way to improve your health and provide aid to your body, whether it be soft tissue repair, dermal repair, or even hair regeneration.

For even more accelerated results, a combination of peptides can be utilized for a synergistic effect. For example – in healing and hair restoration, it can be stacked with BPC-157.


While more research is necessary, BPC-157 is linked to treating the following mental health conditions:


Highly effective in treating a range of sexual desire disorders

One great thing about Pt-141(bremelanotide) it produces few cardiovascular side effects, making it a game-changer for the elderly population who have a greater risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Several clinical trials revealed the effectiveness of this substance, and it has been approved by the FDA for female treatment. Although the approval isn’t yet out for men, data is promising, and several scientific papers cite the substance’s positive effects on
male sexual health.


KPV is a safe and effective treatment option for many conditions associated
with inflammation.

Pentosan Polysulfate

Pentosan Polysulfate is a disease-modifying osteoarthritis peptide for the treatment of osteoarthritis and idiopathic cystitis

Anti-Aging Peptides:

Thymosin Alpha 1 and Thymosin Beta 4


GHK-Cu: The human copper-binding peptide

At REWIND Wellness & Aesthetics, we believe that every man and woman deserve access to high-quality health care. We will discuss your health history and discuss any concerns you may have.

We will also provide recommendations for how to improve your overall health. If you are experiencing low energy or chronic fatigue, stubborn body fat, low libido or erectile dysfunction, hair thinning or loss, depression, or mood swings, aging skin we recommend scheduling an appointment with us today.


A peptide is a short chain of amino acids, identified by the fact that it is shorter than a protein, and so can be absorbed easily via the digestive system. Each organ or bodily function has its own unique peptide bioregulator.

Peptide bioregulators have been shown to shortcut the protein synthesis process by interacting directly with cell DNA – meaning that organs can build and repair tissues easier and quicker when peptide bioregulators are active.

Not particularly, the dosing is more related to need than sex or body weight

You can combine up to 5 peptide complexes at the same time.

15 million people have undergone the peptide treatment for 30 years and no side effects have been found. The fact is that peptides in animals and humans are identical, and our body sees them as its own. Peptides only normalize the protein synthesis, and they are not able to overstimulate it.

Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Peptides can be administered in several ways based on their formulation. Most of the time, peptides are administered intradermally, yet they can also come in the form of nasal sprays, transdermal creams, and oral tablets.

There isn’t any need to alter your daily routine when proceeding with peptide therapy. Yet you may choose to enhance their many benefits by maintaining a healthy diet, staying active, getting plenty of sleep and reducing stress. Rewind Wellness & Aesthetics will work with you to help you make these lifestyle changes and support your healthy goals.

When you start peptide therapy, you may notice results within a matter of weeks. That said, it can take anywhere from 3-6 months before you notice the full benefits of your treatments.

With peptide therapy, you can reverse signs of aging, keep extra weight off, manage chronic health conditions and much more. If you think that peptide therapy could be a good option for you, schedule an appointment with Rewind Wellness & Aesthetics and we can discuss options.


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