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Tirzepatide vs. Semaglutide Studies

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Tirzepatide vs. Semaglutide Studies:

Obesity has become an epidemic in the US over the past 50 years. Obesity leads to higher risk of life threatening disorders such as heart disease and diabetes. Two new drugs, Tirzepatide and Semaglutide, have become front and center in the fight against obesity. But which drug is better? Currently, there are no head to head comparisons of the two drugs. However, le Roux and his colleagues in Ireland, Canada and the US compared the results of two large studies looking individually at Tirzepatide and Semaglutide and their ability to allow patients to lose weight (Diabetes Obes Metab. 2023;25:2626-2633). By combining the data from the two studies, the researchers found that Tirzepatide lead to significantly greater weight loss than Semaglutide. In the study, Tirzepatide lead to 22.5% weight loss compared to 17% weight loss in the Semaglutide group. So, should everyone go on Tirzepatide? The answer is no. There are many factors that go into deciding which drug is best for you. Meeting with a weight-loss professional who will sit down with you and discuss your best options based on your personal characteristics will lead to the safest and highest percent of weight loss. Be careful with online sales and (med spas?) which offer the drugs at a lower cost but without personalizing your plan. In weight loss, one size does not fit all and can sometimes be dangerous. Call Rewind today to set up a consultation with Suzanne Morris, NP, an expert in weight loss who will evaluate you and come up with a plan that is best suited for you.

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